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Chat for Web Form

Manage your leads and customer data better by integrating registration forms with Kapure Chat.


This helps in integrating our chat to your web form which can create tickets and enquires in real-time.

Set Up

  • Login with the Kapture Admin account
  • Go to Chat Configuration
  • Set up the chat for Ticketing or Enquiries
  • Fill the mandatory fields required for the configuration

Below are some screenshots that showcase the configuration set up for Enquiry

Chat Web API 1

Auto reply messages set up for sending the welcome message, closing message and when the assignment is exceeded.

Chat Web API 2

We can also schedule the working hours for the chat assignment as below:

Chat Web API 3

Email alert option helps in getting an email while a chat is created.

Chat Web API 4

Once the above details are filled, you can save the configuration and then proceed with the scripts to update in the website.

Following is the chat code for creating new enquiry/leads using registration form.

Please include the code below in your website. Note: For wordpress website, to avoid conflicts, please include the script in the footer section.

   <script type="text/javascript">
   /* Include the following script without any changes */
   function initSupportScript(){var t=document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0],e=document.createElement("script");e.type="text/javascript",e.src="https://www.adjetter.com/static/assets/global/plugins/supportmessenger/js/kapturesupport.nojquery.min.js",e.onload=initKapchat,t.appendChild(e)}if("undefined"==typeof jQuery){var headTag=document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0],jqTag=document.createElement("script");jqTag.type="text/javascript",jqTag.src="https://www.adjetter.com/static/assets/global/plugins/jquery.min.js",jqTag.onload=initSupportScript,headTag.appendChild(jqTag)}else initSupportScript();
   /* Initialize Kapchat */
   function initKapchat() {
         key: '86c9cf7b9b91bafa2496308b054c80729ecc98472122437819',
         label: 'enquiry',
         widget: 'kp_widget_eq',
         widget_color: 'rgba(0,224,17,0.83)',
         widget_text_color: 'rgba(0,224,17,0.83)',
         bubble_color: 'rgba(0,224,17,0.83)',
         bubble_text_color: 'rgba(0,224,17,0.83)',
         success: function() {
               // your callback here (optional)
         error: function(e) {

Chat for Customer Login with Web

Chat integration using customer login with Web:

Following are the steps for integrating the chat script in your website:

  • key:
    This is your partner support key.
  • customercode:
    The encrypted customer code which will be used as login
  • iv:
    An 16-byte initialization vector (iv) in hexadecimal format

Step 1: Encryption

For security reasons, you will need to encrypt the customer code in your backend to avoid exposing customer code in the client side.

Refer to Step 3 for encryption details.

You will require the following:

  • Encryption key: zvaKJzM3YKhKgp5Y
    This key will only be used for encryption in your backend.
    Do not use this key for initialization.
  • iv: A 16-byte initialization vector

    This is a 16-byte random string that will be used for the initialization vector. Use this string for encryption along with the encryption key for encrypting customer code. Refer to Step 3 for sample code.
    You need to pass iv during initialization.

    Note: The string should be hexa-decimal format before converting to bytes.

Step 2: Include the following script and initialize Kapchat with the parameters mentioned above:

Note: For wordpress website, to avoid conflicts, please include the script in the footer section.

      <script type="text/javascript">
      /* Include the following script without any changes */
      function initSupportScript(){var t=document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0],e=document.createElement("script");e.type="text/javascript",e.src="https://www.adjetter.com/static/assets/global/plugins/supportmessenger/js/kapturecustomersupport.v2.min.js",e.onload=initKapchat,t.appendChild(e)}if("undefined"==typeof jQuery){var headTag=document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0],jqTag=document.createElement("script");jqTag.type="text/javascript",jqTag.src="https://www.adjetter.com/static/assets/global/plugins/jquery.min.js",jqTag.onload=initSupportScript,headTag.appendChild(jqTag)}else initSupportScript();
      /* Initialize Kapchat */
      function initKapchat() {
         customercode: '', // encrypted customer code
         key: '0e24d20b2f001f126c821f1470a93e92778e47870259604671', // partner support key
         iv: '',  // pseudo random string in hex format
         label: 'Support Team',
         success: function() {
            // your callback here (optional)
         error: function(e) {

Step 2: Encryption details:

You need to encrypt using AES 128-bit encryption with CBC mode and PKCS5/PKCS7 padding

You can find the sample code for encryption in your backend in the following languages:

  • PHP
  •       #For PhP > 7.x version
          $KEY_SIZE = 16;
          $ENCRYPTION_KEY = 'thisisasamplepassphraseforencoding';
          $plaintext = 'Hello World!';
          $iv = '';
          // Driver function
          function encrypt($iv, $plaintext) {
          global $ENCRYPTION_KEY, $KEY_SIZE;
          try {
             // Ensure that the key is no more than 16-bytes long
             $key = (strlen($ENCRYPTION_KEY) > $KEY_SIZE) ? substr($ENCRYPTION_KEY, 0, $KEY_SIZE) : $ENCRYPTION_KEY;
             $key = pack('a*', $key); // convert to binary
             // Generate initialization vector
             $iv = bin2hex(openssl_random_pseudo_bytes(8));
             // Encrypt plaintext
             $ciphertext = openssl_encrypt($plaintext, 'aes-128-cbc', $ENCRYPTION_KEY, 0, $iv);
             echo "IV: " . $iv . "\n";
             echo "Encrypted text: " . $ciphertext . "\n";
          } catch (Exception $e) {
             echo 'An exception occurred while encrypting plain text in encrypt(): ' . $e->getMessage();
          encrypt($iv, $plaintext);
          #For PhP < 7.x version
          $KEY_SIZE = 16;
          $ENCRYPTION_KEY = 'thisisasamplepassphraseforencoding';
          // PKCS#5 Padding
          function pad_pkcs5($text) {
          try {
             $size = mcrypt_get_block_size(MCRYPT_RIJNDAEL_128, MCRYPT_MODE_CBC);
             $pad = $size - (strlen($text) % $size);
             return $text . str_repeat(chr($pad), $pad);
          } catch (Exception $e) {
             echo 'Padding exception in pad_pkcs5(): ' . $e->getMessage();
          // Encryption using AES CBC (128-bits)
          function encrypt($plaintext, $passphrase, $iv) {
          try {
             $padded_str = pad_pkcs5($plaintext);
             $ciphertext = mcrypt_encrypt(MCRYPT_RIJNDAEL_128, $passphrase, $padded_str, MCRYPT_MODE_CBC, $iv);
             return $ciphertext;
          } catch (Exception $e) {
             echo 'Encryption exception in encrypt: ' . $e->getMessage();
          // Driver function
          function test() {
          global $ENCRYPTION_KEY, $KEY_SIZE;
          $plaintext = "Hello World!";
          try {
             // Ensure that the key is no more than 16-bytes long
             $key = (strlen($ENCRYPTION_KEY) > $KEY_SIZE) ? substr($ENCRYPTION_KEY, 0, $KEY_SIZE) : $ENCRYPTION_KEY;
             $key = pack('a*', $key); // convert to binary
             // Generate initialization vector
             $randm = mcrypt_create_iv(8, MCRYPT_DEV_URANDOM);
             $hex = bin2hex($randm);
             $iv = pack('a*', $hex); // convert to binary
             // Encrypt plaintext
             $ciphertext = encrypt($plaintext, $key, $iv);
             echo "IV: " . $iv . "\n";
             echo "Encrypted text: " . base64_encode($ciphertext) . "\n";
          } catch (Exception $e) {
             echo 'An exception occurred while encrypting plain text in test(): ' . $e->getMessage();
          // Test encryption
  • Java
  •       import java.security.AlgorithmParameters;
          import java.security.MessageDigest;
          import java.util.Arrays;
          import java.util.Random;
          import javax.crypto.Cipher;
          import javax.crypto.spec.IvParameterSpec;
          import javax.crypto.spec.SecretKeySpec;
          import javax.xml.bind.DatatypeConverter;
          import java.security.SecureRandom;
          public class CryptoDemo {
          private static int KEY_SIZE = 16;
          private static String ENCRYPTION_KEY = "thisisasamplepassphraseforencoding";
          public static void main(String[] args) {
             String plaintext = "Hello World!";
             try {
                // Ensure that the key is no more than 16-bytes long
                String passphrase = (ENCRYPTION_KEY.length() > KEY_SIZE) ? ENCRYPTION_KEY.substring(0, KEY_SIZE) : ENCRYPTION_KEY;
                byte[] key = passphrase.getBytes("UTF-8");
                // Generate initialization vector
                byte[] iv = generateInitializationVector(KEY_SIZE);
                System.out.println("IV: " + new String(iv, "UTF-8"));
                System.out.println("Encrypted text: " + CryptoDemo.encrypt(plaintext.getBytes("UTF-8"), key, iv));
             } catch (Exception e) {
                System.out.println("An exception occurred while encrypting plain text in main(): " + e);
          // Encryption using AES CBC (128-bits)
          private static String encrypt(byte[] plaintext, byte[] key, byte[] iv) {
             try {
                SecretKeySpec secretKeySpec;
                secretKeySpec = new SecretKeySpec(key, "AES");
                // PKCS#5 Padding
                Cipher cipher = Cipher.getInstance("AES/CBC/PKCS5Padding");
                AlgorithmParameters algorithmParams = AlgorithmParameters.getInstance("AES");
                algorithmParams.init(new IvParameterSpec(iv));
                cipher.init(Cipher.ENCRYPT_MODE, secretKeySpec, algorithmParams);
                byte[] encryptedBytes = cipher.doFinal(plaintext);
                return DatatypeConverter.printBase64Binary(encryptedBytes);
             } catch (Exception e) {
                System.out.println("Encryption exception in encrypt(): " + e);
             return null;
             * Utility function to generate initialization vector
             * @return  bytes
          private static byte[] generateInitializationVector(int len) {
             try {
                char[] CHAR_ARRAY = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456879".toCharArray();
                SecureRandom srand = new SecureRandom();
                Random rand = new Random();
                StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
                for (int i = 0; i < len; ++i) {
                if ((i % 10) == 0) {
                return sb.toString().substring(0, KEY_SIZE).getBytes("UTF-8");
             } catch (Exception e) {
                System.out.println("Error generating Initialization Vector: " + e);
             return null;
  • Python
  •       from Crypto import Random
          from Crypto.Cipher import AES
          import base64
          import binascii
          import random
          import os
          KEY_SIZE = 16
          ENCRYPTION_KEY = b"thisisasamplepassphraseforencoding"
          # PKCS5 Padding
          def pad_pkcs5(text):
             length = KEY_SIZE - (len(text) % KEY_SIZE)
             return text + chr(length)*length
             print "Padding exception in pad_pkcs5()"
          # Encryption using AES CBC (128-bits)
          def encrypt(plaintext, passphrase, iv):
             aes = AES.new(passphrase, AES.MODE_CBC, iv)
             return base64.b64encode(aes.encrypt(pad_pkcs5(plaintext)))
             print "Encryption exception in encrypt()"
          # Driver function
          def test():
             plaintext = "Hello World!"
                # Ensure that the key is no more than 16-bytes long
                # Generate initialization vector
                randm = os.urandom(8)
                iv = binascii.hexlify(randm);
                # Encrypt plaintext
                print "IV: %s" %iv
                print "Encrypted text: %s" %encrypt(plaintext, key, iv)
                print "An exception occurred while encrypting plain text in test()"
          # Test encryption
  • Node.js
  •       var CryptoJS = require("crypto-js");
          var KEY_SIZE = 16;
          var ENCRYPTION_KEY = "thisisasamplepassphraseforencoding";
          try {
             var plaintext = 'Hello World!';
             // Ensure that the key is no more than 16-bytes long
             var key = (ENCRYPTION_KEY.length > KEY_SIZE ) ? ENCRYPTION_KEY.substr(0, KEY_SIZE) : ENCRYPTION_KEY;
             // Generate initialization vector
             var iv = CryptoJS.lib.WordArray.random(8).toString();
             console.log('IV: ' + iv);
             console.log('Encrypted text: ' + encrypt(plaintext, key, iv));
          } catch (error) {
             console.log('An exception occurred while encrypting plain text: ' + error.message);
          function encrypt(plaintext, passphrase, iv) {
             try {
             var encrypted = CryptoJS.AES.encrypt(
                   mode: CryptoJS.mode.CBC,
                   iv: CryptoJS.enc.Utf8.parse(iv),
                   padding: CryptoJS.pad.Pkcs7
             return encrypted.ciphertext.toString(CryptoJS.enc.Base64);
             } catch (error) {
             console.log('Encryption exception in encrypt(): ' + error.message);

Chat Template

Chat template can be added for both ticketing and enquiries. The agent can choose the title while engaging with the customers so the added templates will pop up in the chat box.

Chat Web API 5

Chat Trigger

Chat trigger will help in setting up the trigger for the customers with the expiration time. For example, if the customer is idle the alert will be triggered to the customer based on the expiration time set.

Chat Web API 6

Chat Widget Settings

This helps in setting up the chat widget configurations in the frontend itself, as per the client requirements.

Chat Web API 7 Chat Web API 8 Chat Web API 9